Friday, February 29, 2008

Wondering about Wikis

Does anyone have any advice for wikis.  I have a teacher that wants to start one with a group of students but is concerned about security.  She is uncomfortable with the idea that students can write to the wiki without any approval process before the editing is publicly visible.  I would prefer to have our teachers use one that has no advertising and very simple, uncluttered interface.  Some of the ones I have looked at, even the "education" ones are quite busy and might be quite distracting to look at.

Friday, February 15, 2008

RSS Reader

Have finally set up my RSS feed reader and things are working quite well.  I was able to get a feed to most of the blogs set up by members of our committee.  There were a few that my reader did not work with.  Not sure what the issue is.  It may have something to do with the blog site being used.  Both blogs that did not work with my reader are blogmeister blogs ( Jim & Kim).