Friday, January 25, 2008

United Streaming Followup

I am almost through my first assignment created with the assignment builder tool available from Discovery Learning/United Streaming.  So far things have gone quite well.  Students have been fairly successful at working through the materials at their own pace.  The supplementary materials in the Teachers Resource book and the Black Line masters have proved to be quite helpful.  The lab activity was fun for the kids and it was easy to incorporate some math and computer skills into the assignment.  Students have yet to write the quiz so I will have to wait to see the results.

Although I have used united streaming extensively in the past it has been primarily to download videos to the entire class via the LCD projector or a DVD player connected to a TV.  For this assignment I purposely designed it to have students view the videos independently to guage its effectiveness.  It is clear that if multiple students are viewing the material in the classroom at the same time independently they MUST have headphones of some kind.  I was certainly distracting to hear all the other soundtracks playing in the background as I was trying to watch the video on my screen.

This was also the first time I had used video segments instead of showing the whole video.  I certainly see this as beneficial although next time I would probably show the entire video the the class as a whole first and then have them use the segments on their own as a followup.

All in all I am quite excited about my next assignment.  I am interested in the experience of others and am willing to show you the process I went through.

1 comment:

cey something said...

I have been using United Streaming a little as well. I have not y et discovered the assignment builder tool. What does it allow you to do?